【提问】对 Logseq 未来的目标以及理念

现在 Logseq 已经进入 Beta 开发阶段,想问一下开发者接下来是想要建立怎样的一个应用,或者说希望服务于哪些群体,以下是一些人的想法:





上边的这些都是一些也许是目前犹豫是否使用 Logseq 的人的看法,如果开发者能将这些想法写下来就最好了。

logseq是开源软件 大可以只完善基础服务框架 每个用户用自己的插件组合配置
像emacs vim 那样 并不需要选择方向

Hey Product Hunt! :wave:

I started Logseq as a side project in February of last year. I’ve been using Org-mode (which is similar to Markdown but has more features) to manage my ideas, tasks, and notes. It’s incredible, but I need to access my notes on mobile, and I want to build a graph on top of the growing notes to make it easier to ask and answer some questions and see the connections between different topics.

It’s pure luck that many users came to try Logseq and contributed to our community, coding, videos, documentation, and give us valuable feedback every day.

Our long-term vision is to build a privacy-first platform/community for knowledge management and collaboration.

For the personal knowledge base, we believe:

  1. Your data is yours, forever.
  2. Interoperability with other tools, no lock-in, no proprietary formats
    We choose plain-text Markdown/Org and standard syntaxes for data longevity and better collaboration with the existing ecosystem.
  3. The ultimate fun is to change the code and do some nasty tweaks. That’s why we open-sourced Logseq, and we’ll release the new plugins API soon.

天生在Product Hunt上关于logseq的介绍,看看吧,多的就不赘述了。