强烈建议: 标签系统参考 Remnote 模式, 更符合直觉和大纲笔记特点.

现阶段的标签系统与 Logseq 相对割裂, 建议采取 remnote 的标签模式, 更符合直觉和大纲笔记特点. 申请团队审核.

Remnote教程 → 标签

  • Unlike other tools that you may be used to, Tags are just Rem. (In RemNote, Everything is a Rem!). This means that you can access them in the main editor, tag them recursively, place them into hierarchies, etc. Here, we open up a tag as its own document and edit it.

最后, 感谢 Logseq 如此优秀的产品! 期待!

1 个赞

但我们确实需要更好的tag UI
